Alexandra (Boo) Cherau
HOST 2024 – (guest of Leni Fried) 494 Stage Road, Cummington 413-296-4573
Alexandra (Boo) Cherau is a professional Garden Designer/Landscape Architect trained at the Radcliffe Seminars Landscape Program, The Harvard School of Design, and The Arnold Arboretum. These institutions introduced her to the art of seeing, designing, and the rigors of learning to draw. She continued with classes in design, graphic arts, and welding at Mass. College of Art and learned to print at the Fuller Museum of Art with Beverly Edwards, the founder of the Monotype Guild of New England and became a member of the ‘ Studio A Printers’ at the Fuller from 1988-2000.
While continuing with her art career Alexandra has designed / built private and public gardens throughout N.E as well as run her farm for the last 40 yrs. In 1999 she moved the farm from southeastern MA to Chesterfield and continues to print and work in watercolor, gouache, and pastel. Recently she has been experimenting with concrete. Much of her work centers on land formations, the sky and the water, the plants, and the animals, wild and domestic, alive and dead, that share her life on the farm.
Alexandra has previously shown work at the many venues of the Cambridge Art Association, Fuller Museum of Art, and continues to show with the Monotype Guild of N.E. and since moving to Chesterfield has had two solo shows at the Hilltown CDC and the Chesterfield COA. She currently teaches drawing and painting at the Chesterfield COA.